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Half Year 2020

Group revenues for the half year increased by 97% (inflation adjusted) and 921% (historical) on the back of volume increases and replacement pricing. Export revenue for the half year increased by 23% in US Dollar terms compared to the same period last year. View

Half Year 2020

 The Group’s overall volumes for the half year grew by 10% compared to prior year with growth being driven by automotive and industrial batteries. Export volumes for the period increased by 5%. View

Full Year 2019

The continued shortage of foreign currency and the persisting liquidity constraints affected the Group’s trading, resulting in overall volumes reducing by 18% on average across the business units.  Revenue increased to $267 million due to price increases effected in response to the increased cost of production.View

Half Year 2019

Gross margins increased by two percentage points from prior year to 45%. The rising inflationary pressure on the cost of raw materials and other production costs is expected to exert pressure on margins going forward. Capacity utilisation declined by 7 percentage points to 69% from 76%.View

Annual Report 2018

Half Year 2018

Gross profit margins improved to 43% from 40% in 2017. An operating profit of $4.2m was recorded during the period compared to $2m posted in the prior year. The Group posted a profit before tax of $3.9m (2017: $1.3m).View

Annual Report 2017

The Group performed well in a difficult operating environment which was characterised by foreign currency shortages. The Group managed to post a profit before tax of $4 million compared to $2,3 million last year, a 76%View

Half Year 2017

The Group revenue was at $15.2m, Gross margins improved to 40% and operating profit of $2m.View

Annual Report 2016

The Group generated cash from operations of $5,5 million compared to $5,4 million in 2015.The majority of the cash, $4,5 million, was generated from trading and working capital management. View

Half Year 2016

Revenue down by 5%, Operating profit up by 146%. View

Notice to Members 2016

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the tenth Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Amalgamated Regional Trading (ART). View

Year End Press Statement 2016

Revenue flat at $29,8m, Operating profit up by 93%, Operating expenses decreased by 13% View

Annual Report for 2015

The Group recorded a profit before tax of $150,000 from a loss before tax of $723,000 in 2014. View

Half Year Results - 2015

The Group recorded revenue of $14,8 million which represented an increase of 5% on last year whilst margins improved by 2% to 33%. View

Annual Report for 2014

The Group recorded revenue of $28.7 million down on last year by 5% and achieved a softer margin of 33% compared to the 2013 margin of 35%. View
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